Primary Source:
- Vico, Giovanni Battista. Scienza nuova, The First New Science. Translated by Leon Pompa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
- Vico, Giovanni Battista. Le Orazioni Inaugurali, On Humanstic Education. Translated by Giorgio A. Pinton and Arthur Shippee. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993.
- Vico, Giovanni Battista. De Nostri temporis studiorum ratione, On the Study Methods of our Time. Translated by Elio Gianturco, and Donald Phillip Verene. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990.
- Vico, Giovanni Battista. De antiquissima Italorum sapientia ex linguae latinae originibus eruenda libri tres, On the Most Ancient Wisdom of the Italians Unearthed from the Origins of the Latin Language. Translated by L.M. Palmer. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988
- Vico, Giovanni Battista. On the Most Ancient Wisdom of the Italians: Drawn out for the Origins of the Latin Language. Translated by Jason Taylor. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010.
- Vico, Giovanni Battista. Institutiones Oratoriae, The Art of Rhetoric. Translated and edited by Giorgio A. Pinton and Arthur W. Shippee. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Editions Rodopi B.V., 1984.
- Vico, Giovanni Battista. De mente heroica, On The Heroic Mind: An Oration. Translated by Elizabeth Sewell and Anthony C. Sirignano, in Vico and Contemporary Thought. Ed. Giorgo Tagliacozza, Michael Monney, and Donald Phillip Verene. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1979.
- Vico, Giovanni Battista. Vita di Giambattista Vico scritta da semedesimo, The Autobiography of Giambattista Vico with the Continuation by Villarosa. Translated by Max Harold Fisch and Thomas Goddard Bergin. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1944.
- Vico, Giovanni Battista. Il diritto universale, Universal Right. Translated by Giorgio Pinton and Margaret Diehl. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Editions Rodopi B.V., 2000
Secondary Source:
- Black, David. Vico and Moral Perception. New York: Peter Lang, 1997.
This book mainly illustrates Vico’s primary theory of ethics, a theory not only provides a reliable solution to the moral problem raised but also settles a new approach for later study of the context of attention.
- Barfield, Raymond. “Vico’s New Science,” Chapter 6 in Barfield. The Ancient Quarrel Between Philosophy and Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
This book surveys mainly to analyze the effect of poetry on the language of Western philosophy. In this Chapter, Barfield analyzed the main correlation with Vico’s New Science and other poetry sources.
- Berlin, Isaiah. “On Vico.” The legacy of Vico in Modern Cultural History, 35: 281- 289. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
This book summarized the general idea of Vico, and analyze the effect on later Philosophers. Hence, he analyzed the impact of Vico’s original idea on the Modern History of Culture and Philosophy.
philosophical position
comparison with Descartes
closing arguments